Monday, July 22, 2019

But Suppression! List breakdown: Rebels

Welcome to “Ace’s rebel list extravaganza”! In this article im going to be breaking down my go to list, why I've taken to this, some variants that will work well, as well as what sucsess ive had with it. Now, I wish I could tell you this is some sort of meta shaking list that was so broken and efficient, that it’s a insta-win, however you will find it is a pretty run of the mill high activation list, but you know about fixing things that ain't broke. So without further ado, let’s jump in!

Rebel Officer: 50 points

Sabine Wren: 125 points
The Darksaber 25 points, Emergency stims 8 points, Endurance 6 points

Rebel Troopers: 40 points
Z-6 Trooper: 22 points
Rebel Troopers: 40 points
Z-6 Trooper: 22 points
Rebel Troopers: 40 points
Z-6 Trooper: 22 points
Rebel Troopers: 40 points
Z-6 Trooper: 22 points
Rebel Troopers: 40 points
Rebel Troopers: 40 points
Rebel Commandos- Strike team: 16 points
DH-44 Sniper 28 points
Rebel Commandos- Strike team: 16 points
DH-44 Sniper 28 points
AT-RT: 55 points
AT-RT Flamethrower: 25 points
AT-RT: 55 points
AT-RT Flamethrower: 25 points
Commands: Explosions!, Ambush, Symbol of the rebellion, Turning the tide, Covering fire, Legacy of Mandalore 

Now that we have the list out of the way, let's break down each section individually. 

Commander: Now, I know that it may seem like high heresy to not run Luke or Leah, or even Han, but there is a method to the madness. Obviously Luke is a very powerful commander, and one that I have plenty of table time with, but I've noticed that I can partially fill the Farm boy shaped void in my list with Sabine. As for Leah, the big thing she brings to the table is her sniper chewing orbital bombardment. While this is absolutely an efficient method to remove a sniper or two (or, if you get lucky an entire team. Though, that's a mistake your opponent only makes once) I've found that there are other ways to take out snipers. This means that by sacrificing Orbital bombardment, I can free up an extra 40 points on my list, an entire extra infantry squad. Add in Take cover 1 along with inspire 1, and the generic officer can still hold his own as a viable support leader. Now, not adding Improvised orders is something I still flip flop on. When you need it and it's not there, you definitely feel it. However, in the end, I decided the last 10 points are better served on a bid

Operative: Sabine, as I said above, is used to fill in for Luke as the heavy hitter in my army. I like to think of her as “Great Value Luke”: Similar and cheaper, but dont think for a second that it’s as good as the real thing.  Sabine works great as a skirmisher, maneuvering around the enemy and taking shots before dipping back into cover. Nimble, along with red defense die with surge to defense, can make her a tough nut to crack, and normally when she does crack, my opponent has expended a lot of resources over a few rounds to do so, taking fire off of my scoring units. Naturally emergency stims and Endurance are there to pile on the survivability. I debated heavily over adding the personal combat shield, and in the end, I decided, like Improvised orders, that the 10 points are better served in the bid.

Corps: Not a lot to talk about here, My rebel troopers are the corps of my army (see what I did there? I'll, ah,  show myself out now) and are there exclusively there to lay suppression, capture points, be more bodies to shoot at, and hopefully get some kills along the way. With white defense die, even with nimble, I just assume any hits that get through the cover will kill. The only reason the last two squads don't have Z-6s is points, pure and simple.
Special Forces: Surprising absolutely no one, my SF selection is...two snipers! However, while the most vanilla of vanilla picks, I do run mine a tad different. First, I fully expect both squads to be dead by turn five. Secondly their entire purpose in life is to kill enemy snipers. Once their Enemy at the Gates goal is complete, I start hitting the highest priority target, be that commanders or operatives, until they are worm food. I've found that by focusing my snipers on enemy snipers and not worrying about anything else, I can play them a hair more aggressive, and I'm willing to sacrifice one if it means removing an enemy sniper from the table.

Support: ahhh, good ole fire chickens! There's nothing quite like serving a stormtrooper squad for barbecue. My AT-RTs serve two purposes. First, to help sabine get up close and personal, while providing something more appetizing to shoot at than the tiny mando, and secondly, if they don't take the bait and decide to chew Sabine, I have two high health vehicles ready to eat em (Is anyone else craving ribs, or is it just me?)

As you can see, the name of the game here is target saturation. I give my opponent plenty to debate on their activations, and no matter what they pick, there's something else running at their front door. I like to keep my commander back a bit, normally near (but not on) my “Homefield”  objectives to help with rallying and handing out dodges. Obviously My best case scenario for scenario cards will be something like capture the supplies, or Key positions, With The Long March being avoided like the plague to try to minimize the gap that my assaulters need to close.

If you just don't have a warm and fuzzy about the rebel officer (or don't currently own it) an alternative that I call “Girls night out” is almost exactly the same, except one naked squad is pulled to squeeze in Leah. This still gives you a similar advantage of high activations, albeit one less obviously, while still having access to Leah’s stellar command cards. I wouldn't recommend pulling one of the AT-RTs or the snipers, as only having one of either causes the entire strategy to fall apart quite quickly, as the individual unit can be focus fired off the board with alarming speed.

I have played several Legion night games with this list, and completed one local tournament with this list, where I went 2 out of 3. (Battle report of that to follow soon) and it is, by far, my favorite list to run, and will be using it at the rally point qualifier later in the year.

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